General Information
The material on this website is provided for general informational purposes, to permit you to learn more about our firm, our services and the experience of our attorneys. The information presented herein is not legal advice, and is subject to change without notice.
No Attorney-Client Relationship or Legal Advice
Communication of information through this website (1) does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship, (2) is not intended as a solicitation to create an attorney-client relationship to provide legal services as to any particular matter, and (3) is not intended to convey or constitute legal advice, or to provide a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney. You should not act upon any such information without seeking qualified legal counsel on your specific matter.
The Law Offices of Ames Smith does not seek to represent anyone based solely upon a visit to this web site or based upon advertising, or where to do so would not comply with applicable local laws and rules. Employing an attorney is an important matter that should not be based solely upon information provided by a web site or advertising. Attorney practice and other descriptions, including attorney biographies, on this web site may include descriptions of successful client representations or outcomes in particular matters, however, the results portrayed are dependent on the facts of the particular matters described, among other variables. Results in any matter will not necessarily be indicative of results obtained in other matters. We intend no assurance and make no guarantee or prediction that we will be successful in new matters, even if they involve similar facts and circumstances.
The best way for you to initiate a possible representation is to utilize the contact forms on this website and ask for someone to take you through our conflict of interest procedure. Please provide a phone number where you can be reached and we will contact you by telephone. When you execute an engagement letter or written contract with the firm, you will be our client, and we may then exchange information freely.
If you choose to contact us by e-mail, please do not give us any confidential information. Your communications by e-mail to an attorney who does not represent you may not be confidential or privileged. We cannot treat you as a client or advise you on any legal matter until we have determined there is no conflict of interest and have specifically agreed to represent you. E-mail may be used to request an attorney to call you to discuss the possibility of establishing an attorney-client relationship.
Licensing Status
Mr. Smith is licensed to practice law in specific jurisdictions which vary according to the attorney, and which can be identified through inquiry to the attorney. Mr. Smith will not represent a client in any jurisdiction in which he is not licensed to practice law or becomes specially admitted to handle a particular legal matter.
Unless otherwise expressly specified, the attorneys listed in this web site are not certified by, or certified as specialists or experts by, any professional or governmental agency or authority. Designations of our firm's practice areas, expertise, practice concentrations or specializations of our attorneys are not intended to suggest or represent the contrary.
No Warranty or Liability
The information presented on this web site is provided "as is" without representation or warranty of any kind as to suitability, reliability, applicability, merchantability, fitness, non-infringement, result, outcome or any other matter. We do not represent or warrant that the material herein is current, complete, or invariably accurate, and any representation or warranty that might otherwise be implied is expressly disclaimed.
By using this web site, you agree that we are not liable to you or others, in any way or for any damages of any kind or under any theory, arising from access to or use of or reliance on the information in this web site, including but not limited to liability or damages under contract, tort theories, or any damages caused by viruses contained within electronic files of this site or any linked site. These disclaimers and limitations on liability apply regardless of any prior notice or objection by any person or entity to us relating to our web site.
We may from time to time, directly or indirectly, provide links to or accept links from web sites of other parties for convenience. We do not control or maintain the material presented by other persons in their web sites. The inclusion of any link on our web site does not imply any association or relationship between the Law Offices of Ames Smith and the person sponsoring the linked site, nor does it constitute or imply any endorsement, approval or sponsorship of the linked site by the Law Offices of Ames Smith, or the endorsement, approval or sponsorship of the Law Offices of Ames Smith by the sponsor of the linked site. The links do not imply legal authority to use any protected rights of others reflected in the links. We do not assume any responsibility for the content, accuracy or completeness of material presented directly or indirectly in linked sites. If you use any of these links, you will leave our site.
Privacy Statement
If you visit our web site we may collect general information about the way in which you use our site to identify areas of interest in our firm and to improve and refine our site. Examples of the kind of information we may collect are the time and duration of visit, type of web browser used, the operating system/platform you are using, your IP address, the web sites from which you linked to us, your CPU speed, or information which may be obtained using "cookie" technology.
If you provide us with information in a context other than seeking to establish an attorney-client relationship or obtain legal advice after having established such a relationship, we may share the information with third parties in connection with our marketing activities or the maintenance and operation of our web site, or as may be legally permitted.
The material on this website is provided for general informational purposes, to permit you to learn more about our firm, our services and the experience of our attorneys. The information presented herein is not legal advice, and is subject to change without notice.
No Attorney-Client Relationship or Legal Advice
Communication of information through this website (1) does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship, (2) is not intended as a solicitation to create an attorney-client relationship to provide legal services as to any particular matter, and (3) is not intended to convey or constitute legal advice, or to provide a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney. You should not act upon any such information without seeking qualified legal counsel on your specific matter.
The Law Offices of Ames Smith does not seek to represent anyone based solely upon a visit to this web site or based upon advertising, or where to do so would not comply with applicable local laws and rules. Employing an attorney is an important matter that should not be based solely upon information provided by a web site or advertising. Attorney practice and other descriptions, including attorney biographies, on this web site may include descriptions of successful client representations or outcomes in particular matters, however, the results portrayed are dependent on the facts of the particular matters described, among other variables. Results in any matter will not necessarily be indicative of results obtained in other matters. We intend no assurance and make no guarantee or prediction that we will be successful in new matters, even if they involve similar facts and circumstances.
The best way for you to initiate a possible representation is to utilize the contact forms on this website and ask for someone to take you through our conflict of interest procedure. Please provide a phone number where you can be reached and we will contact you by telephone. When you execute an engagement letter or written contract with the firm, you will be our client, and we may then exchange information freely.
If you choose to contact us by e-mail, please do not give us any confidential information. Your communications by e-mail to an attorney who does not represent you may not be confidential or privileged. We cannot treat you as a client or advise you on any legal matter until we have determined there is no conflict of interest and have specifically agreed to represent you. E-mail may be used to request an attorney to call you to discuss the possibility of establishing an attorney-client relationship.
Licensing Status
Mr. Smith is licensed to practice law in specific jurisdictions which vary according to the attorney, and which can be identified through inquiry to the attorney. Mr. Smith will not represent a client in any jurisdiction in which he is not licensed to practice law or becomes specially admitted to handle a particular legal matter.
Unless otherwise expressly specified, the attorneys listed in this web site are not certified by, or certified as specialists or experts by, any professional or governmental agency or authority. Designations of our firm's practice areas, expertise, practice concentrations or specializations of our attorneys are not intended to suggest or represent the contrary.
No Warranty or Liability
The information presented on this web site is provided "as is" without representation or warranty of any kind as to suitability, reliability, applicability, merchantability, fitness, non-infringement, result, outcome or any other matter. We do not represent or warrant that the material herein is current, complete, or invariably accurate, and any representation or warranty that might otherwise be implied is expressly disclaimed.
By using this web site, you agree that we are not liable to you or others, in any way or for any damages of any kind or under any theory, arising from access to or use of or reliance on the information in this web site, including but not limited to liability or damages under contract, tort theories, or any damages caused by viruses contained within electronic files of this site or any linked site. These disclaimers and limitations on liability apply regardless of any prior notice or objection by any person or entity to us relating to our web site.
We may from time to time, directly or indirectly, provide links to or accept links from web sites of other parties for convenience. We do not control or maintain the material presented by other persons in their web sites. The inclusion of any link on our web site does not imply any association or relationship between the Law Offices of Ames Smith and the person sponsoring the linked site, nor does it constitute or imply any endorsement, approval or sponsorship of the linked site by the Law Offices of Ames Smith, or the endorsement, approval or sponsorship of the Law Offices of Ames Smith by the sponsor of the linked site. The links do not imply legal authority to use any protected rights of others reflected in the links. We do not assume any responsibility for the content, accuracy or completeness of material presented directly or indirectly in linked sites. If you use any of these links, you will leave our site.
Privacy Statement
If you visit our web site we may collect general information about the way in which you use our site to identify areas of interest in our firm and to improve and refine our site. Examples of the kind of information we may collect are the time and duration of visit, type of web browser used, the operating system/platform you are using, your IP address, the web sites from which you linked to us, your CPU speed, or information which may be obtained using "cookie" technology.
If you provide us with information in a context other than seeking to establish an attorney-client relationship or obtain legal advice after having established such a relationship, we may share the information with third parties in connection with our marketing activities or the maintenance and operation of our web site, or as may be legally permitted.